NEW SOM Administration Operations Intranet

The Office of Research Administration is pleased to announce a new resource for administrators in the School of Medicine. The SOM Administrative Operations Intranet hosts a variety of useful tools and resources to make your jobs easier. A series of standard operating procedures has been created and collected, including forms and instructions from Human Resources, Grants and Contracts, Graduate Education and many more. A Google calendar highlights administrative events and grant deadlines.  There is even an updated directory of department and center administrators to help find the person you are looking for!

But it’s not done yet! Please contact us and let us know if you have items to add: new SOPs, forms, calendar items, personnel, or announcements. This is an active site that will be updated regularly. Please help us by adding to our cache of resources.

This website and information has been in the works for a long time, and we’d like to thank Joan Schenkel and Corrie Zimerla for all their work putting this together and getting it off the ground.  Visit the site here and let us know what you think.

Policies and Procedures: VAMC and CWRU collaborations

The CWRU Office of Research Administration, in cooperation with the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center (LSCVAMC), and the Cleveland VA Medical Research and Education Foundation (CVAMREF), the School of Medicine’s Research office and Office of Grants and Contracts, have issued new guidance and forms to support the Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement (IPA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) process between the institutions.  Further information regarding the VA Guidelines and Policies can be found on the Office of Research Administration’s Forms and Policies webpage under ORTM’s Policies, Award Management located at: VA Research Guidelines.

These forms and guidance are required when VA or CWRU employees work on projects or assignments at the other institution, and will help make sure that employee effort is allocated, invoiced, and compensated properly between organizations.

There are 3 new forms:

  • Form 1 is an official government form that is utilized when a CWRU employee has been assigned to a VA assignment. In this case, the VA will reimburse CWRU for the employee’s effort.
  • Form 2 is a CWRU, LSCVAMC, and the CVAMREF Joint Appointment & Memorandum of Understanding form. It is to be used when a VA employee will be working on a NIH grant at CWRU for up to 12 months. In this case, the VA will invoice CWRU for the salary of the VA employee.
  • Form 3 is a CWRU and CVAMREF Memorandum of Understanding form. This form is used when either a CWRU employee will be working on a project administered by the CVAMREF (CWRU invoices CVAMREF) or when a CVAMREF employee will be working on a project administered by CWRU (CVAMREF invoices CWRU). This form is for appointments lasting up to 12 months.

In addition, a process for Guidelines for Payment Methods has been created to assist with the payments between the organizations.

Please do not hesitate to contact Joan Schenkel ( or Diane Domanovics ( with any questions.

Thank you.

iLab Comes to CWRU Cores
